Shiva Nourpanah, PhD
Shiva Nourpanah is Provincial Coordinator of the Transition House Association of Nova Scotia, and a SSHRC Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Centre for the Study of Social and Legal Responses to Violence, University of Guelph. She is also Adjunct Faculty at the Department of International Development Studies, Saint Mary's University and School of Occupational Therapy, Dalhousie University. Her areas of research include refugee and immigration affairs and gender-based violence. Formerly, she worked for eight years for the United Nations’ High Commissioner for Refugees office in Iran. She has published work on the ethics of refugee aid, women's human rights in refugee aid, and the experiences of settlement and integration of Afghan refugees in Halifax. Currently, she is researching the role of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in refugee claims, and the experiences of foreign women in Transition Houses.
She has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Halifax Refugee Clinic since 2011.
Selected publications:
2020. "The Construction of Gratitude in the workplace: Temporary foreign workers employed in health care." International Migration.
2019. Drive-by education: the role of vocational courses in the migration projects of foreign nurses in Canada. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 20(4), 995-1011.