Elizabeth Fitting, PhD
Elizabeth Fitting is an anthropologist and Associate Professor at Dalhousie University who researches the political economy of food and agrarian livelihoods in relation to rural migration in the Americas. Liz explores the culture and political economy of food in connection to (neo) colonial histories, gendered and racialized labour under neoliberal capitalism, and transnational migration and social reproduction. Her research focuses on topics ranging from anti-GMO and seed saving movements in Mexico and Colombia to the effects of liberalized trade on rural livelihoods in Mexico. Her latest project examines the interconnections between transnational labour migration and rural livelihoods in Mexico, the Caribbean, and Canada.
Contact: Elizabeth.Fitting@dal.ca
More information about her work can be found at: https://www.dal.ca/faculty/arts/sociology-social-anthropology/faculty-staff/our-faculty/elizabeth-fitting.html
Selected publications:
Fitting, Elizabeth, Laura Gutiérrez Escobar, and Tamara Wattnem, Forthcoming 2021. “Contesting seed standards: The Red de Semillas Libres in Colombia” in Graham, J.E., Holmes, C.P., McDonald, F., and Darnell, R. (eds). 2021. The Social Life of Standards. UBC Press.
2018. "Genetically Modified Crops and the Remaking of Latin America’s Food Landscape” in eds. Pascale Joassart-Marcelli and Fernando J. Bosco, Food and Place: A Critical Exploration. Rowman & Littlefield. Pp. 52-66.
Gutiérrez Escobar, L., and Fitting, E. 2016. The Red de Semillas Libres: Contesting Biohegemony in Colombia. Journal of Agrarian Change, doi: 10.1111/joac.12161.
2016. “From working the farm to fast food and back again: Rural Mexicans in the Neoliberal Food System” in eds. Meredith Abarca and Consuelo Salas, Latin@s' Presence in the Food Industry: Changing How We Think about Food University of Arkansas Press. Pp. 77-100.
2014. “Cultures of Corn and anti-GM activism in Mexico and Colombia” in (eds) Carole Counihan and Valeria Siniscalchi, Food Activism: Agency, Democracy and Economy. Berg.
2011. The Struggle for Maize: Campesinos, Workers, and Transgenic Corn in the Mexican Countryside, Duke University Press.